Hobson & Motzer’s component assembly services and secondary operations take your part closer to a finished state. With all operations performed in-house, our value-added services are efficient, reliable, and stringently quality controlled.

Precision Assembly & Secondary Operations

Vertical Integration—Secondary Operations

Laser Services

In-house expertise laser capabilities support our assembly manufacturing. Hobson & Motzer provides precision laser welding and cutting of our stamped and machined components, bringing you closer to a finished part.

Metal Finishing

Hobson & Motzer offers expertise in a wide range of metal finishing and part tumbling options to achieve your desired finish. Includes: Electro-Polishing, Passivation, Specialty Deburring, Teflon Coating, Tumbling

Ultrasonic Cleaning

We have multiple aqueous ultrasonic cleaning systems: integrated passivation, fully automated gantry, flex line with DI (deionized) rinse.

Spot Welding

Spot-welding capability for assemblies.

Pad Printing

Secondary Stamping